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Cap Ex – Validation and Capitalization

Our client spent millions of dollars on over 1,500 projects globally and was behind on capitalizing them.  The client needed a team of experienced accounts to validate all expenditures and capitalize them in the clients fixed asset system for tracking and correct tax computations. 

Our Solution

Orion Solutions provided a team of highly experienced accountants who worked with the client accounting manager to prioritize the projects, work with engineering and purchasing, and track each asset’s progress to accurate entry into the client’s fixed asset system.  Orion Solutions provided a team of five accountants, one who also functioned as a team lead to distribute work to our team and report back progress to the client manager and the accounting director.


Client Outcome

The team cleared the backlog and recommended improvements related to project initiation and purchase orders that were adopted by the client.


Work With Orion Solutions

Orion Solutions is ready to help with your unique situation! Our industry experts will build a customized solution and bring the best talent to the effort. 

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